715 2nd  Avenue  South, Lethbridge, Alberta   Canada  

Kind Words

Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays           (403)317-0620

Back of Right Leg

Before and After 

Front of Right Leg

Before and After


​Following are personal experiences shared by my patients.  These experiences do not necessarily reflect expected outcomes as responses to TCM treatment will vary between individuals.

Anxiety, pain

I just wanted to let you know how much of a difference you have made in my life. I tell my friends all the time that they should start getting accupuncture.  My anxiety has decreased by so much that I honestly can’t believe how good I feel.  And with my legs, you always know what to do to make me feel comfortable and relaxed at my appointments.  What blows my mind the most is how tolerable you have made my periods. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for all of my treatments.  S 


I began my journey with Lila in 2022 seeking relief from chronic migraine pain, and my experience has been consistently exceptional. Lila's professionalism and extensive knowledge are evident from the outset. She takes the time to provide detailed information whenever I inquire, ensuring I am well-informed about the treatments and their potential benefits.

During the initial assessment, Lila patiently explained the acupuncture procedure, addressing all my concerns with care. Her dedication to creating a comfortable environment is evident in her meticulously maintained treatment room, which is always clean, inviting, and thoughtfully designed for relaxation. From the soothing lighting to the calming ambiance, every detail contributes to a sense of ease and tranquility during each session.

Lila's skillful application of acupuncture needles is both precise and gentle, which immediately instills a sense of confidence and comfort. As someone who initially approached acupuncture with some apprehension, I was pleasantly surprised by how relaxed and at ease I felt during the treatments. This feeling of comfort is crucial, as acupuncture's effectiveness often hinges on the patient's ability to fully relax and embrace the treatment process.

Over time, I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my migraine symptoms. What used to be a daily struggle has reduced to experiencing only 1-2 symptoms a month, a testament to the efficacy of Lila's approach. Beyond pain relief, the treatments have become a grounding ritual in my life, offering not only physical relief but also a profound sense of mental clarity and stress management.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Lila for anyone seeking acupuncture treatment. Her expertise, combined with a nurturing and serene treatment environment, has made a significant difference in my well-being. I am grateful for her ongoing support and look forward to continuing my journey towards better health with her guidance.  AR


Lila is someone who cares about you and your well being.  Very knowledgeable and helpful.  Cute and warm personality, that makes me feel so comfortable and protected.    SH 

Bladder Urgency

Male Client:

​​At the age of 60, I started to experience issues with frequent urination, especially at night.  The frequency progressed to 8 to 10 times a night.

To reduce the number of times that my sleep was interrupted, I tried drinking less fluids throughout the day, not drinking liquids after 7 pm and taking prostrate supplements.  There was no improvement.

 My doctor performed several tests but was not able to pinpoint any specific cause.  I was referred to a urologist who conducted a cystoscopy which also did not identify any issues.  The urologist prescribed Tamsulosin to address the “over-active” bladder.  After taking the drug for about a week, the frequency of urination reduced to 2 to 3 times per night.  Unfortunately, the drug’s negative side effects offset the benefits.  Side effects included congestion, dizziness and dry mouth.

 The prospect of a life-long dependency on a drug with adverse side effects and not knowing the potential long-term adverse impacts of the drug on my body / health inspired me to seek alternative natural healing therapies.

 After significant research, I decided to consult with Lila at Lila’s Acupuncture.  Lila was very thorough in her assessment and did a great job in explaining the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  She proposed a treatment program consisting of acupuncture sessions supplemented with short-term natural herb therapy.  I decided to proceed.

Within a few weeks after starting the treatments, the frequency of urination has decreased to 2 to 3 times per night.

Acupuncture therapy has provided me with welcome relief.  I would highly recommend Lila to those seeking alternative natural healing therapies.  While acupuncture may not be a suitable or effective form of treatment for everyone, it’s certainly is worth trying as an alternative to a dependency on pharmaceuticals!    HB

Female Client:

I have been seeing Lila for 9 treatments, upon which she professionally assessed my issues and each time I would see her she would add new methods into the existing base, explaining to me the traditional Chinese theory and organs and emotions and meridians and purpose in a relaxing way. We came up with personal solutions to my problems and my issues have been released from my tissues and not come back. If you're looking for a personalized solution from a health professional who takes things from a different angle at a completely reasonable investment, Lila is your girl.     AS


Lila has provided acupuncture treatment for several months for arthritis of the hands, knees, and jaw. The treatments have allowed me to continue with my daily recreational activities with greatly reduced pain and inflammation. Some days, I don’t even notice any issues with arthritis. Lila is always professional, informative, and kind.  WA 

Wellness and Pain

Acupuncture was a treatment that was new to me, additionally I am not fond of needles!  However, after others sharing their benefit of acupuncture and reading to better understand AND knowing Lila, I was encouraged.  I feel so blessed to have had the privilege of working with Lila, treating my pain.  Fortunately I have enjoyed many years of excellent health, and Lila was able to have me enjoy that again.  She is an acupuncturist and registered nurse.   Lila’s understanding of the body along side her sincerest care for the patient was appreciated and valued.  AN

Gua Sha
I had a root canal a few weeks ago and the freezing went down my neck half way. Where it stopped, I got a spot of eczema. I haven’t had any for years! It was itchy for several days, getting worse and I was afraid to put anything on it.  Getting worried about it. But since I’ve been doing Gua sha daily, it has subsided! Maybe the increased circulation? And the soothing relaxation? Also, I think my skin is brighter and it helps those puffy bags under my eyes. Thank you so much! I would recommend it to anyone.  SO


I began seeing Lila for acupuncture treatment soon after experiencing significant emotional and physical trauma. During our first consult, I could feel of her genuine care and desire to assist in my recovery. In terms of emotional well-being and mental health, I have found acupuncture to be extremely effective in treating my chronic anxiety, and have noticed over the past year of treatment an increase in my emotional capacity and overall well being. Acupuncture helps me to feel grounded, and to experience greater mental clarity between treatments. Lila has also treated me for many physical symptoms including unexplained muscular pain and spasms, irregular menses, gallbladder pain, and digestive issues, and I have seen positive results within each of these areas. I know that Lila always has her patients best interest as her main priority. She always provides well-balanced, helpful advice in promoting a person’s overall health, as well as genuine, heartfelt kindness and a listening ear. She is truly one of a kind and I feel so fortunate to benefit from her services!  E


Lila has provided acupuncture treatment for several months for arthritis of the hands, knees, and jaw. The treatments have allowed me to continue with my daily recreational activities with greatly reduced pain and inflammation. Some days, I don’t even notice any issues with arthritis. Lila is always professional, informative, and kind​. WA 

Diabetes, Depression, General Health

Thank you for the fantastic accupuncture session yesterday.  I feel like a lot of those areas especially in my neck and upper back have released tension.  You also made my day by affirming how I feel renewed and loved.  
You are a kind and gentle spirit, with healing hands full of love and knowledge.  I appreciate you so so much. 
Thank you for your kindness, knowledge and love.  RB


Lila Ho-Takeda and her Acupuncture technique have changed my life. A bold statement I know. But less than year ago I was enveloped with pain, muscle cramping, and headaches; all symptoms related to a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. While these symptoms were my constant companions, any form of stress, be it physical as in a simple cold or flu, or emotional and or psychological, would compound and amplify my misery. The resultant lack of energy, ambition, and enthusiasm would make it difficult to get out of bed and face the challenges of everyday life. Then a friend recommended Lila and acupuncture.

Lila was thoughtful and understanding during the initial assessment and interview, and started treatment right away. The results did not manifest immediately, but I was determined to give acupuncture a good try. After all, the medications and treatments that traditional western medicine that I had been taking for years were not helping. As Lila has informed me “With acupuncture we treat the root cause of your condition, not just the symptoms”.

My treatment regime included weekly visits with homework in the beginning, tapering off to monthly as I improved, and now only 3 or 4 times a year.In a recent visit to my family doctor, I remarked to him that “I HAD FORGOTTEN THAT I HAD FIBROMYALGIA”.  He responded by observing that I had lost weight, had more energy and looked great, and asked “what has changed?” Upon reflection I realized that eating properly, getting regular exercise, positive and happy. All of these changes I can truthfully attribute to acupuncture and Lila Ho Takeda’s treatment and guidance. JB

Chronic Migraines

Acupuncture with Lila has been one of the greatest decisions I have ever made! I’ve had chronic migraines for about 15 years, and it feels like I had tried everything possible to find relief. I finally decided to give acupuncture a try, despite being a bit nervous about the needles. Lila made me feel so comfortable and did such a thorough job explaining everything and making sure that I felt good about the process. It is truly evident how much Lila cares about her clients at each and every visit. She is extremely knowledgeable, and all around just a wonderful person to be around! I followed Lila’s treatment recommendations and I can now say that I have gone from 3-5 migraines a week, to only about 1 a month!!! I never could have even imagined such amazing results! I am so glad that I stuck with acupuncture and gave it the time it needed to help my body heal. Thank you so much Lila- I really feel like I am living life more fully now!   BR

​​Common Cold, Back Pain

Lila’s Acupuncture is amazing! In the beginning I was uneducated and skeptical about acupuncture. The first session I had was when I felt flu and cold-like symptoms the day before a vacation. Lila was able to get me in on short notice for treatment. The next day I was feeling 95% normal and the second day after my treatment I was back to 100%! My next sessions were for a pulled muscle in my back that massage and other methods weren’t able to help, and Lila was able to help my healing process exponentially!

I’ve been seeing Lila for almost 2 years. She is very friendly, professional and personable. The friends and family I have sent her way have also become loyal clients, because she is so awesome! Highly recommended!!  AS

General Health

My experience with Lila has been very successful.  Not only did Lila help me tremendously with my issues, I found her to be very compassionate and understanding.  I appreciated the fact that she followed up with me at home to make sure I was doing okay after my first treatment.  Lila was also great at explaining the treatments and what the significance was to help with the healing process.  She also went over the results of my improvements.  Thank you for a much better lifestyle.​  SG

Migraines, Mental Health

I have found personal improvements  in migraine pain and overall mental health since starting acupuncture treatments with Lila.  A month into treatment I was off all prescription medication and haven't felt any need to use for treatment.   Her knowledge of both Western and Chinese Medicine I find is highly beneficial to the overall level of treatment I've received.  SB

Headaches, Chronic Pain
I showed up at Lila's shop a broken woman in February 2016. I was in a car accident October 2015, I got rear ended and my air bags deployed. From the night of the accident I had a chronic headache and not one headache medication would get rid of it. I was doing physio for my neck, back and shoulders, although that gave me some relief to my sore muscles the headache would not stop. I was at my wits end and just getting depressed from the constant pain when my physio girl suggested I should try Acupuncture. That is when I found Lila and that was the beginning of my healing. After my second treatment, the big bad headache was gone.

I have continued treatments with Lila for other chronic pain and I believe anyone suffering from chronic pain should go see Lila. Not only is she excellent at her craft, she has been through the chronic pain journey so she really understands it. Lila has such a gentle healing spirit about her and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone and everyone.

Ps, try her cupping method, it is outstanding  CK

Sciatica Pain
Although I've received a goodly amount of body work in one form or another, I've not had a great deal of acupuncture.  When I decided to try some when Lila graced The Medicine Tree as a renter I made a momentous discovery.   I'd been working on ridding myself of sciatica for several months.  I was getting better BUT after 2 acupuncture treatments the sciatica was gone.  I am so grateful to Lila for her sensitivity and caring it's actually difficult to express properly.  JM

Stress, Insomnia
I started treatments with Lila while I was transitioning to a new firm. Along with the change came an enormous amount of stress. Making sure that I was completing all my tasks, I found that I was thinking about my clients all the time....  Last thing at night, and the first thing in the morning. This unfortunately turned into waking up during night, which made things even worse.

Lila patiently listened to me explain my situation and her treatment was targeted at the areas that would help alleviate my symptoms. She even asked and treated other areas that would coincide with my issues like eating and digestion.
Now that I have completed my transition, I can reflect on how instrumental Lila's treatments were to my success.   KS

Pediatric Constipation, Digestion, Pain
Lila Takeda has used her skills as professional acupuncturist to promote the health and well being of our family and I am truly grateful!

I was reluctant to try acupuncture, but when specialists were not able to remedy my young daughter’s bowel issues after several years, I decided to try something “different”.  Within six weeks of seeing Lila, my daughter no longer had a distended stomach and her bowels worked properly without the aid of any laxatives or medicines.  I can’t say I understand how or why it worked, but it did and I was very happy for this little “miracle”.  Years late, when I was experiencing a chronic leg pain issue which was baffling medical professionals, I decided to try Lila again.  My condition improved in just a few sessions.

Not only is Lila an excellent acupuncturist, she is also a registered nurse.  This unique skill set and knowledge base is advantageous to her clients.  Lila listens extremely well, she is very thorough, she is intuitive and she does not hesitate to refer individuals to other practitioners if she thinks it would benefit them.

I have and will continue to recommend Lila to others who could benefit from the services she offers.   LC

Acupuncture has helped me in more ways then one! Lila is so reassuring and explains the whole process for new clients. My right arm / hand used fall asleep quite often, to the point where sleep was almost impossible.  Acupuncture has helped me so much, my arm/hands only fall asleep once in a while.  I love the time in the room to myself. Listening to the calm music and just "being"! Thank you Lila! You are amazing!   MS

I have been suffering from migraine headaches for most of my adult life and most recently was averaging at least 2 headaches per week.  They were seriously impacting my life at work, time with my husband and daughter and my love for ultra-running, I was using several different pain medications but nothing was really helping.  On the advice of my massage therapist I contacted Lila to try some acupuncture treatments; I started with once per week then moved to every three weeks and now once per month.  That one decision has had an amazing impact on my life, I am now able to go headache free for weeks at a time and when I do have a headache it is far less painful and more easily manageable.  In addition to helping with my headaches I have also had success with treatments for some aches and pains that were plaguing my running training and have noticed an improved overall sense of wellbeing.  Lila is caring, compassionate, understanding and has been wonderful with my young daughter who I often have to bring along to my treatments.  If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of acupuncture I highly recommend trying a visit with Lila, she has been a blessing to me.

Thank you Lila for making such a huge difference in the quality of my life.  TR        

Insomnia, Sinusitis, Post Surgical Recovery
I started acupuncture treatments at the suggestion of my massage therapist to help with my recovery after surgery. I feel it has been very beneficial for that and helped in many other ways. The acupuncture has helped my sinuses, sleeping better, neck and shoulder pain and overall energy levels. Lila is very knowledgeable and thorough in explaining the treatments. SW

Thyroid / Endocrine, Anxiety, Pain, Visual
Lila is an amazing acupuncturist.  Her wisdom and caring combined with her acupuncture skills have made my treatments for shoulder pain, eye and thyroid issues as well as anxiety very successful.  I consider Lila one of my primary heath care professionals and highly recommend her to my friends and family.  LM

Menopause, Stress, Insomnia, Anxiety
I had been experiencing symptoms of menopause (night sweats and insomnia) for years.  With my family history of ovarian cancer, I did not want to address those symptoms with traditional hormone therapy.  I was reluctant to try acupuncture, but Lila assured me that she found success with a combined regime of Chinese herbs and acupuncture treatments.  Not only did the treatments eliminate the symptoms of menopause, but Lila was also able to apply acupuncture treatments to relieve stress and anxiety that consumed my life at that time.  I am truly grateful for Lila, her knowledge and compassion during treatment.   RF

TMJ Pain, Menstrual Irregularity, Anxiety
I started using acupuncture for my anxiety, really bad menstrual cycles and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain.  Since finding acupuncture I now feel like a new person.  Everyone always says how can you stand having needles in you especially when you can't stand getting your blood taken, well acupuncture is not like that at all. It is an amazing experience and I look forward to every visit with Lila, she is so kind and caring and takes the time to heal you.  TT

Back Pain, Headaches
Since I can remember I've been prone to headaches and soreness throughout my back.  I had tried chiropractic and found some relief from this but no tangible difference.  My friend recommended I should try acupuncture with Lila, she had gone before and found the treatments worked well.

 I, like most find attending appointments a real nuisance, with Lila it was more like catching up with a friend for an hour while improving my physical state.  After a few weeks of treatments I noticed the frequency of my headaches reduced and the severity and duration of a headache decreased. If not for Lila I would still be suffering from frequent headaches and soreness throughout my back. I certainly don't miss the headaches and will continue seeing Lila, you should too!  DF

Skin Conditions: Psoriasis, Eczema and Rashes

The following photos show results of acupuncture and  herbal cream treatments.